God has been good to us and we respond by giving back to him through the local church where He has placed us.
The Bible encourages us to give regularly, sacrificially and cheerfully. It is with thankful hearts that we give our finances back to God as an act of worship.
All money that is given to Coventry Elim is carefully stewarded. It is used to cover salaries, building costs, administration, and mission here in Coventry and overseas.
Other Ways To Give
We give an opportunity in our services for regular attendees and members of the church to give of their finances as part of their worship to God. We do take card payments.
If you would like to set up a standing order to support your church on a regular basis, you can do so directly with your bank. Log on to your Internet banking account and use the account details below. There are no charges incurred for using this method of giving. To help us claim gift aid on your giving please include your Gift Aid ID in the transaction reference.
EFGA (Re:Coventry)
Cheltenham Branch
Gift Aid.
If you pay tax in the UK, you are able to claim Gift Aid. This means that for every £1 you give, the government will contribute 25p.
We appreciate all those who have continued to give generously during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, and especially those who allow us to reclaim 25% extra from HMRC through the Gift Aid scheme. However, this is just a reminder that it is important that all Gift Aid supporters keep track of their taxable income and ensure that the tax that is/will be paid for the 2021-22 tax year will be sufficient to cover their giving through the Gift Aid scheme. This is especially important for any of our supporters who may have been furloughed over the past few months or even some who may have been laid off. This could also apply to self-employed people, depending on whether you were able to continue working during this time or not. When giving online, you can choose whether to Gift Aid the gift or not, but it is important to note that online gifts and Standing Orders from those already registered will automatically be recorded under the Gift Aid scheme regardless of the setting of this option, as the choice only applies to ‘first-time’ gifts. If you realise that your circumstances have changed, and you are no longer able to take part in the scheme, please get in touch with us as soon as possible so we can amend our records. Please also inform us if your name/address changes, as we need to ensure accuracy of these records as well. If anyone would like to know how much they have given under this scheme so far this (tax) year, please email as above.