What’s On

This week :

Soar Bible study

Soar bible Study is our weekly bible study for students and young adults between the ages 18-30. We would love to see you here at the Elim Building.

Monday | 7:30pm

Limitless Goalz

Limitless Goalz is our fortnightly football group for children between the school years 1-6. If you would like to get more information about this please contact Emma@Elim-coventry.org.uk.

Tuesday | 5:00pm

Prayer meeting

We love to meet every Tuesday evening for a small time of prayer. Anyone is welcome to join us here at the Elim building, as we take time to pray into different areas of our lives, church and world.

Tuesday | 7:00pm

Limitless Youth

Limitless youth is our weekly meeting for our young people between the school years 7-13. The young people will join together for times of worship, teaching, discussion and so much more. We would love you to join us!

Wednesday | 6:30pm

Formation Academy

Anyone is welcome to join us for Formation Academy. We begin at 7:30pm, with a song of worship, followed by teaching and discussion, lead by one of the leaders here at Coventry Elim and end with a time of worship, to finish at 9pm. We would love to see you there!

Thursday | 7:30pm

Soar Creatives

Soar creatives is an event held by our Soar team, for students and young adults (ages 18-30), to freely discover, explore and share the different ways we’re called to create. If you would like to find out more, head over to our instagram page @soar.creatives.

Saturday | 10:00 am

Sunday Services

You’re invited to join us this Sunday. We have two identical services at 10am & 12pm. Each of our services lasts around 90 minutes, including worship & teaching. We can’t wait to see you !

Sunday | 10am & 12pm